Nov 27, 2007 0:46:42 GMT 8
Post by hooi on Nov 27, 2007 0:46:42 GMT 8
WHat da F*** is ZooBang Crew??? I started to wear a bit tighter pants nowadays, but not sezy tight as Harry...
Nov 27, 2007 9:29:01 GMT 8
Post by eDosHz on Nov 27, 2007 9:29:01 GMT 8
AarOn Kwok riding Aaron FeinBerg skaTEs...how iRonic...
ApeR da...U're Part of the ZooBang Crew siNce those DonKey years mAn...
n no nEed to weAR seluar keTat la...Buat Gatal Telur jea...
SiNce U useD the F*** word and proVen urselF wortHy...I prOMote U to 'DefeNse MinisTer' of the Crew...WakaKA! Nanti I make One Shirt for U kay? SleeVeless la can or Not, show a bit of Ur masCulanity....keKEkEK...